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Re: Cast Aluminum Valve Cover

To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: Cast Aluminum Valve Cover
From: David Friedlander <forzion@maine.rr.com>
Date: Thu, 04 Sep 2003 21:09:29 -0400
The issue has never been "sticking it out," Jim. I never wanted a
refund. I still don't want a refund. I (and, no
doubt, everyone else who has ordered parts) just wanted a periodic
update. But NOTHING. You just don't
communicate!! Since you don't have time to write us individually, why
not write ON list? We're reasonable
people, believe it or not. Once you've taken the order$ for these parts
(some of us sent our checks FIVE
months ago), I am not offended if you simply use the list to update us
on your progress. I don't consider that
"promoting," unless you make it an opportunity for promotion. But your
off-list response to my "what's
happening?" query yielded this response from you:

     "It is far easier for me to return your money, so that you will be
quiet and go away!"

Seems to me no one wanted to post a message to the list about this
situation to the list for fear of incurring
your wrath. Is it REALLY possible everyone else is wrong Jim?

Dave Friedlander

Jim Swarthout wrote:


  As we discussed a few days ago, the owners of the list asked that I
  post comments pertaining to the items I am making, or working on. We
  also discussed your refund, (which has been issued). There was no
  for you to pretend to be in the dark.

  I know all of you are anxious to know what is going on. I will update
  the website this weekend with some progress comments, and photos!

  If you look back through your correspondence, it was clearly stated
  the time window was narrow for casting the covers. The final orders
  in 6 weeks after the initial posting. It was also clearly stated that
  another run may not be possible until fall. I had hoped to push for an

  earlier date! It didn't work out!

  The roller rockers are another story, which will be covered in the
  website update this weekend.

  If anyone else would like a refund, simply say so...I will say that
  those who stick this out are going to be very happy!

  Best regards,
  Jim Swarthout

  To: 6pack@autox.team.net
  Subject: [Fwd: Cast Aluminum Valve Cover]

  So, list;

  Anyone received a valve cover, a refund or any feedback from Mr.
  Last official word from Jim was four + months ago! What's the story?

  Dave Friedlander

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