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Re: Engine RPM question

To: ralittle2@mindspring.com
Subject: Re: Engine RPM question
From: "Steve Cirimele" <steve@catnamedkitty.com>
Date: Tue, 02 Sep 2003 12:15:56 -0700 (PDT)
I had this problem a while ago with one of my LICs
(Fiat Spyder).  I checked everything, as you have done,
and I rebuilt the carb, still with no resolution.  The
problem turned out to be restricted fuel flow due to
sludge in the fuel tank.  I had to clean out the tank,
blow the fuel lines, replace filters, etc.

When I had the problem, it seemed to be road speed
related (not engine speed), in that I could not get
above a certain MPH (something around 30) regardless of
the gear I used, and seemingly independant of actual
RPM's.  On the road, I could get more RPM's in 1'st
gear than in 2'nd, and I could get more in 2'nd than in
3'rd, etc etc, all the way through the gears.
Regardelss of the gear/RPM I selected, when I exceeded
that road speed, the car would sputter just like what
you describe.

I guess reving to 4000 RPM (when on the road) in 4'th
gear takes more fuel than reving to 4000 in neutral,
first, second or third.


On Tue, 2 Sep 2003 10:16:39 -0400, "R. Ashford Little
II" wrote:

> O:K, this has been bugging me for a while, so I'm
> to throw it out
> to the list.  With a gear not engaged - revving in the
> driveway - my
> engine will sing up to 6K or so, and easily.  However,
> with a load on
> the engine things are substantially different.  The
> engine will rev to
> around 5K in first, maybe a touch higher, to only 5k
> 2nd, and will
> not reach 5k in third or fourth.  The engine will
> to sputter or
> miss at upper rpm's.  
> The condition of the engine is varied.  The carbs are
> newly rebuilt, the
> plugs are clean, the timing is accurate, and I use a
> Petronix so this
> should alleviate distributor issues.  The engine
> has good
> compression, but is showing it age, and the head is
> definitely in need
> of a going through.  
> So, any idea what's going on here?  It's not that I
> want to continually
> rev the engine, but I'm just trying to understand
> my problem is
> originating.
> Thanks,
> R. Ashford Little II
> www.geocities.com/ralittle2

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