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Re: Time Traveler

To: "Sally or Dick Taylor" <tr6taylor@webtv.net>, <barry.stavro@latimes.com>
Subject: Re: Time Traveler
From: "Robert L. Gannon" <trsix74@comcast.net>
Date: Thu, 28 Aug 2003 17:48:40 -0400
"Never in the field of human conflict, has so much been owed by so many to
so few" -Winston Churchill

And Dick this goes for you  too. And that goes for every person that was
involved with the evolution of little British cars. The Japanese took the
cars of yesterday and with foresight and modern technology, created many
fine models. But when you fall in love with every squeal, rattle and roll of
a LBC, it is true love!
And here we have a write up on the new S2000 or was it a write up on one
mans dissatisfaction of a 70's TR6.
The writer claims the carburetors did not stay tuned. They do if you don't
touch them and use the same fuel grade.
The writer claims the heater doesn't work. It does, but you need to pull the
knob by hand.
The radio...we've come a long way
The defrost....in those days all cars took time to warm up!
The writer claims it leaked through the clutch box and had to wear boots in
order to stay dry. I am wondering if he bought this car new or used after
some DPO messed with it. I drive mine in all sorts of weather. Yes its not
water tight and yes maybe I should put the top up in the rain and snow. But
I have never had so much fun driving anything else!
Robert not "Bob"  Gannon

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