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RE: Original Cam Sprocket Timing Mark

To: "'Bob Fabie'" <RFabie@erols.com>, <triumphs@autox.team.net>,
Subject: RE: Original Cam Sprocket Timing Mark
From: "Jim Davis" <jdavis344@bellsouth.net>
Date: Sun, 27 Jul 2003 22:59:24 -0400
I wouldn't install a new cam without degreeing it. Instructions can be
found in the competition manual or from any of the major cam mfg. The
method in the Bentley Manual will get you close, but you should have
received a cam card with the cam that stated the specs. needed to degree
it. If not, call them for the info.  All you need is a degree wheel and
dial indicator with magnetic stand (and lots of patience). 

Jim Davis
Fortson, GA

Subject: Original Cam Sprocket Timing Mark

I'm in the process of installing my new stock TR6 cam. With the help of
Dick Taylor and Bentleys, the cam is properly set and its sprocket is
ready to be lined up with the OEM dimple mark on the front cover backing
plate. My cam sprocket did not come with any OEM marks and the mark I
punched was for my old Piper cam so it doesn't apply.

The Haynes manual shows a picture of the cam sprocket with the OEM mark
in the valley of one of the sprockets and Bentley's shows the OEM mark
on the tip. I can get the chain to properly align  using the valley, but
not the tip. Which one is it?

Does anyone have an OEM cam sprocket who can tell me where the mark is
placed, i.e., on the tip or in the valley?

If all else fails, does anyone know where I can purchase a new cam
sprocket with OEM markings?

That half a tooth can make a big difference, so I'd appreciate hearing
from the collective wisdom of the list.

Thanks for your help.

Bob Fabie

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