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[Fwd: Re: NY/PA list members, a modest proposal]

To: 6-Pack <6pack@autox.team.net>,
Subject: [Fwd: Re: NY/PA list members, a modest proposal]
From: Don Malling <dmallin@attglobal.net>
Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2003 20:16:14 -0400
Hi Philip,

Sounds like a good idea to me. I'm in Binghamton and am interested in
meeting up with others in our area.

I belong to an informal group that meets at the Bull's Head restaurant
the first Tuesday of the month. I'm also in the Syracuse MG car club.
They welcome all British cars but are mostly MGAs and MGBs.

I'm the original owner of my TR250 which is in pieces (frame off) a 73
MGB, and a BMH MGB body shell with a 68 and 69 parts cars to go with it.

None of this stuff runs right now, but it might in the fall. If not, I
will have to show up in my 2000 Focus :-(

I hope to have an MGA and a TR6 someday.

Hope you don't mind me cc the mg list

Don Malling

Philip E. Barnes wrote:
 > Having been on the List for a Long Time, it occurs to me that there are
 > quite a few folks in the central NY/northern PA regions of the US. It 
 > occurs to me that there is a dearth of social functions involving British
 > cars generally, Triumphs specifically. I know that VTR has a member 
club in
 > the form of Finger Lakes Triumphs, but their interest is mostly 
racing and
 > the membership amounts to two principals. (No criticism intended, they're
 > nice guys.)
 > With that long-winded introduction, allow me to propose the 
following: How
 > about some sort of tour of the countryside of the Finger Lakes area? 
 > are more than enough interesting venues and sites in the area 
(Watkins Glen
 > SP, Corning Glass, etc.) and I can't count the wineries. The back 
roads are
 > wonderful.
 > If enough interest is expressed, I can make phone calls and gather
 > information and relay it to interested parties. Summer is a busy 
time, but
 > the autumn is beautiful around here. Let me know your ideas.
 > Phil Barnes (peb3@cornell.edu)
 > Cortland, NY (nowhere near New York City)
 > '71 TR6  CC61193L (26 year owner)

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