If you haven't yet checked out "Old Blue's Demise" at Tony Drew's site, you
are missing some wild footage!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Chuck Arnold" <>
To: "FOT" <>; "6pack digest"
<>; " daily digest"
Sent: Wednesday, July 02, 2003 8:53 PM
Subject: Aluminum front hubs
> Checked with Southwick Machine today on when the hubs I signed up for
> about three months ago might arrive. They ar a little like Jim
> Swarthout's rocker cover and roller rockers -- a critical mass is
> needed before production begins. In this case, they need 8 firm orders
> and at the moment only have 5. These are billet aluminum front hubs
> with decent bearings. Bet Bob Lang would get more than 5000 miles out
> of a set even when set tight. They are $400 a set. Anyone wanting to
> beef up the front end of their Tr 5 or 6 otta be interested. If so,
> contact them.
> Uncle Jack has a great picture at:
> Southwick has a web site at:
> I have found contact is better by phone: 309-797-2868.
> Chuck
> [demime 0.99d.1 removed an attachment of type text/x-vcard which had a
name of chuck.arnold.vcf]
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