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RE: Ballast resistor question

To: "'Jim Swarthout'" <jswarth1@tampabay.rr.com>,
Subject: RE: Ballast resistor question
From: "Hugh Fader" <hfader@usa.net>
Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2003 21:29:40 -0400
A minor correction if I may. A regular transformer has two separate
windings.  An ignition coil is a special kind of transformer called an
autotransformer. That means the primary and secondary windings are actually
a single winding with a tap close to the primary end. I did a Google search
and found:
http://www.sentex.net/~mwandel/cannon/sparky.html for an example.

- Hugh

> An ignition coil actually consists of two different coils of copper
> wire. The primary coil is made up of, let's say, 100 turns of copper
> wire of a certain gauge. The secondary is made up of 2000 turns of a
> smaller gauge wire.

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