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Re: CF37325U photos

To: Jim Davis <jdavis344@bellsouth.net>, 6 List <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: CF37325U photos
From: Tommy Thompson <segerguy@yahoo.com>
Date: Thu, 26 Jun 2003 04:30:20 -0700 (PDT)
Oops...I didn't get the link.  I'd love to see it.  I'm going through a frame 
on restoration of my 73 TR6 right now and should have it back in a month or so. 
 I know what you are going through!!  Every Friday is "Vistation Day" for me, 
the shop is only a few miles away from my home so I run down there and visit 
"Mini Me"  Poor thing, she wants to come home, they're beating her, burning 
her, sanding her.  She looks really unconfortable!  :)
Here's the link to where I'm at right now:
Tommy Thompson

Jim Davis <jdavis344@bellsouth.net> wrote:
I've mostly finished the restoration of CF37325U and just started a
Yahoo photo page to display some of the pics I took of the process. They
can be viewed at:

I welcome any comments or suggestions,

Jim Davis

Fortson, GA



Tommy Thompson (Segerguy@yahoo.com)

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