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Re: OT Triumph Art in trade for education

To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: OT Triumph Art in trade for education
From: "Brian T." <nolimits@squilax.net>
Date: Fri, 13 Jun 2003 16:17:50 -0700
Go to tucows . com and search through the image edit software and
download          "Thumbs Plus"  ,  (may be listed as thumbs+) this free
shareware has exactly what you are looking for.
If you visit my "nolimits" personal web site you can see that i used it in my
snowmobile pages

or go direct to one of my thumbnail pages and try it out

scroll to the bottom of the thumbnail page and you will find a direct link to
steve bridge wrote:

> I have some English Car Prints I will trade to someone who can help me use
> my eMac to make a simple web site.  I imagine something where you click my
> link and it takes you to a page full of thumbnails.  You click on the
> thumbnaail and see it full screen.  You like it, so you go back to the main
> page and there are my email address and phone number below the thumbnails.
> I have Fetch, PageMaker 7,  and I have space with my internet provider.  I
> have attempted to crate a page a couple times before and failed, so if there
> is anyone who would like to walk me through it, I have a few nice  LBC
> Giclees ( XKE and TR3 on eBay right now under :  stevesart_parts ) and will
> have more if I can get back to painting.  ( do you sense a little
> frustration? )
> Sorry about the SPAMing, but what are friends for?
> Steve
> PS I have a TR250 painting in the works... I have the car and setting lined
> up, if I can just find an attractive woman who will believe I want her only
> as a model.
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