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re: LBC costs and a "hot" car

To: 6pack digest <6pack-digest@autox.team.net>
Subject: re: LBC costs and a "hot" car
From: Chuck Arnold <chuck.arnold@oracle.com>
Date: Thu, 12 Jun 2003 20:27:44 -0700
"Robert M. Lang" <lang@isis.mit.edu> had this to say:

We feel your pain!
I have $5k in an engine that's literally a pile of parts on the garage
floor. I still need another $2k or so before I can even think about
starting it up. Yep, this stuff is not cheap!"

To which I reply,
So, last year I put a few thousand in the car getting a Toyota tranny, Z
diff, hot cam., Electronic crank fired ignition, flowed head, single
exhaust, etc.  Previously had spent a several  thousand on webers,
oiler, fuel pump, fuel cell,  seats, suspension, brakes, rockers, arp
bolts, crank balance, 30 over pistons, 16x7 panasports, Kuhmo tires,

Something happened last week at the track and the engine will not turn
no more.  Ugh.  Thank God it was after the run not during.  Block is now
back at the shop; not the crank, definitely chewed a rod bearing, maybe
#1 or 6 rod [too far up in the cylinders to see.]  So now, to finally
complete the system, it will be cam bearings, Fidanza flywheel,
lightened clutch, and a big decision:

How much more do I want to "invest" in making it stronger?
Forged pistons $1000, strong rods $1100, billet crank $4000 [I think
not, careful balance and stop missing shifts from 4th to 3rd at 6500] --
now I am beginning to understand why a full blown TR6 race engine costs
$10K at least!

Hope to be tracking again in July, but, depending on what is found it
might be with a new block and crank.


[demime 0.99d.1 removed an attachment of type text/x-vcard which had a name of 

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