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roller rockers

To: "6pack" <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: roller rockers
From: "Alan" <asalvato@tampabay.rr.com>
Date: Thu, 10 Apr 2003 22:57:08 -0400
Today , I went down to Jim Swarthout's and  we put the new valve springs in;
(something that should be done on any car 26 years old. IMHO ) the old ones
were very tired.
Before we started Jim gave me a mathamatical lesson on why the 1.75:1  roller
rockers are very complimentary on stock engine.
Then, the new roller rockers were put in.
I made the hour return trip home, and it was like driving a different car.
I'd have to say there is a major difference in acceleration.
Tomorrow, I am going out hunting for rice rockets.  LOL

I am thinking of seeing if  a badge bar can be made up for a TR6;  anybody

Al Salvatore

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