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Speaking of heat

To: 6pack <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: Speaking of heat
From: "Vink, Graham" <vinkg@fleishman.com>
Date: Wed, 9 Apr 2003 10:33:31 -0500
Since we're on the subject, what is the best way to use heat to free a
stubborn nut or bolt? 

Are you supposed to heat the offending part, or its surroundings? I can see
how heating a nut would expand it and perhaps help to break a bond, but
wouldn't heating a stuck bolt or stud do the opposite - make it tighter by
expanding it? 

Or is the point to assume that the heating and subsequent cooling will help
break the corrosion bond?

Does the heat make any difference in how Liquid Wrench or PB blaster
penetrates the threads?

And how hot is too hot? I assume we're discussing use of a propane torch -
is the goal to get the piece red hot?

Also, what about cooling? Would it make any sense to use ice to try to cool
a part?


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