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Re: PI values

To: SamuelsMA@aol.com
Subject: Re: PI values
From: "Robert M. Lang" <lang@isis.mit.edu>
Date: Sat, 5 Apr 2003 08:34:08 -0500 (EST)

My personal opinion (and worth every cent you paid for it, e.g. $0) is
that a true PI car with matching numbers might fetch another $1k to a
collector or someone that is hell-bent on getting a PI car. If the car has
PI and it's not working right, the PI might actually reduce the value. A
modified PI system will reduce the value too (even if the modified system
works better than the original) because of the DPO factor.

I suppose a well-documented modified PI install might have some value, but
of the few that I've seen in the US, I wouldn't put the premium for the
uniqueness of PI at a very high value.

Face it - the problem with PI in the US is getting anybody to work on it.
If you have PI and do your own work, that's a different story. (Hi Eric!)

I'm not trying to dissuade folks with PI TR6's of the relative value of
thier cars, I'm just painting the picture that PI TR6's in the US are rare
and that there are precious few folks over here that have seen a Lucas PI
system let alone actually made one work. This means a lot if you're in
East Bumfoo, WY and your TR6 croaks. And if you can't drive your car with
confidence, what is the value of the car (despite the uniqueness).

So, an original PI TR6 that runs well and is completely stock, maybe add
$1k to the price if you find that right buyer. If it's stock and not
running well, take off some $$. If it's modified and runs well and is
documented, take off a little less. If it's a PI in the shape that my race
car came in, then there is little/no value to the system. My race car came
as a body and tub and some rusted out fenders, a long-ago abandoned
project. On that car, PI == no value other than the numbers on the tub.

A PI car in the UK in perfect working order - that's a completely
different story!

Bob Lang              Room N42-140Q            |  This space for rent
Consultant            MIT unix-vms-help        |
Voice:617-253-7438    FAX: 617-258-9535        |

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