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Re: really tight vertical links

To: Lizirbydavis@cs.com
Subject: Re: really tight vertical links
From: Skip Montanaro <skip@pobox.com>
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2003 17:13:20 -0600
    Joe> I've installed the front suspension with the exception of the hubs
    Joe> and wheels.  I was shocked to discover that after I removed the
    Joe> spring compressor, I could hardly move the vertical link assembly
    Joe> back and forth (as in steering the car)....  Have I done something
    Joe> terribly wrong?

Define "terribly". ;-)  I would check to make sure you have the front and
rear upper a-arms in the proper positions.  Take a look at this image of my
left front suspension:


Note that the front upper a-arm has a much more pronounced curve than the
rear.  Perhaps you have them reversed?

Skip Montanaro

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