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Re: Triumph aluminum hubs

To: LaJoMor@aol.com, 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: Triumph aluminum hubs
From: "SHANE Ingate" <hottr6@hotmail.com>
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2003 14:28:43 -0500

I spoke with Bob at Southwick Machine....great guy.  Came very highly 
recommended by Jack Drews.  It turns out that the work they did in 1991 is 
for TR2-4A, so the pattern will not fit on our 6s.  This wheel weighed 
8.5lbs without the ring gear.  Apparently it looks a lot like the Cambridge 
Motorsports flywheel, and you can see a picture at: 

However, I get the impression that if we get enough interested people, we 
could have a run of lightweight steel wheels made for the TR6.  In 2001, Bob 
did  a run of 10 wheels and sold them for around $250-300.  If you compare 
this with the cost of equivalent steel flywheels from the UK which cost $600 
landed in the US, then this is an absolute bargain, and about the same price 
as aluminum wheels (albeit a whole lot better!).

So, if any of you are seriously interested in a lightweight steel wheel for 
the later TR6s, please let me know.  I will be asking Bob to see if he is 
interested, and even if no-one else is interested, I'll still ask what will 
be the cost to do a single unit - yes, I need one!

The beauty of this is that the CNC codes will then be in the US.  We sadly 
lag a long way behind the UK in serious performance gear for our cars, and 
it is only because of people like Bob, Jack Drews, Dave Wingett, Mike 
Munson, Jim Swarthout, Sam Halkias, JK Jackson, Richard Good, Ted 
Schumacher, Ken Gillander, van den Acker, John Esposito, Dan Masters and a 
few others that we have anything at all!

Let me know.

Shane Ingate in Maryland

>From: LaJoMor@aol.com
>To: hottr6@hotmail.com, 6pack@autox.team.net
>Subject: Re: Triumph aluminum hubs
>Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2003 09:37:56 EST
>Do you know the weight of the lightweight steel flywheel mentioned?
>The Fidanza aluminum fw that has come up in discussion, lists a weight of
>11-12 lbs. which seems a bit light for street use.
>Larry M

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