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RE: Rear Hub

To: blepley@msn.com ("Bryan Lepley"), 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: RE: Rear Hub
From: lizirbydavis@cs.com
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2003 10:40:38 -0500
I can't comment to TRF hub quality.  I had mine rebuilt by "axelworks" in 
Archdale NC. Pnone # 336-884-1455 Check out VTR website   $350.00/pair wires or 
disc.  Turnaround less than 2 weeks. Excellent quality (so far)
Joe Davis
"Bryan Lepley" <blepley@msn.com> wrote:

>So I was replacing the rear shocks this weekend on my 71 TR6, when I pulled 
>off the drivers side drum to check the brake pads.  Inside the drum and all 
>over the brake parts was grease.  So I am assuming the hub blew a seal.  The 
>only kicker is that hub was rebuilt by TRF 13,000 miles ago.  Shouldn't it 
>last longer then that?  Anyone know of a place to have it rebuilt cheaper 
>and better?
>Bryan Lepley
>Kalamazoo, MI
>1971 TR6

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