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Re: Brake MC

To: <6pack@autox.team.net>, <StuBeatty@aol.com>
Subject: Re: Brake MC
From: "levilevi" <levilevi@attbi.com>
Date: Mon, 3 Mar 2003 20:55:09 -0700

Take the reservoir off the MC (four screws) and wipe most of the oil out with
a paper towel.   I used a degreaser (simple green) and a tooth brush to clean
the reervoir and then rinsed with hot soapy water. Dry it, shake it, blow air
on until it's dry AND let it sit for a few days so that ALL water is
evaporated.  You do not want to leave a molecule of water or it will appear in
your brake lines.

Bud Rolofson
71TR6 CC57365 (Good 6)
66TR4A CTC57806 (The Wreck-Almost Parts)
66TR4A CTC57529 (The Project)
71F250 Ford Camper Special (Triumph Support Vehicle)

  ----- Original Message -----
  From: StuBeatty@aol.com
  To: 6pack@autox.team.net
  Sent: Monday, March 03, 2003 5:25 PM
  Subject: Brake MC

  I have just purchased a new brake MC from Roadster Factory. There is a lot
  heavy red oil in the resevoir. What is the best way of cleaning this out
  before installation? Should I use varsol, methyl hydrate, alcohol or ???? I
  am currently using DOT 5 silicone fluid in the hydraulic systems. Is the red
  oil compatible with silicone fluid?

  Any thoughts appreciated

  Stuart Beatty

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