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Wool Carpet Sets

To: <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: Wool Carpet Sets
From: "James Jerrel" <jjerrel@email.dnet.net>
Date: Thu, 23 Jan 2003 09:34:10 -0500
I must chime in to say that Mr. Runyan is totally correct.  The original wool 
carpets for TR6's were of a very short knap.  If you are looking for an 
"original" look, then that is what you will want.  I have a wool carpet set 
from TRF and it is beautiful and about as close to original as you can get and 
it fits perfectly. The workmanship is wonderful. I again must reiterate that I 
think TRF is the best and the backbone of our hobby. They always have the best 
quality and service. They are also the only supplier I know of that actively 
pursues the re-production of NLS TR6 parts.  Without that program, many parts 
would not be available today.  As for the mentioned backorder problem,  that is 
no big deal.  Too me, it is worth the wait and no part is so important that I 
must have it right then or else.  Please folks, patronize the people who most 
support our hobby and deserve our support. Yes, even if it costs more. Quality 
comes at a price.

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