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TRF Carpet Question...

To: <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: TRF Carpet Question...
From: "Jeff Slaton" <slatonj@vci.net>
Date: Thu, 23 Jan 2003 01:22:29 -0800
I recently purchased a new John Skinner boot cover which was supposed to be
manufactured according to NOS specs.  I was disappointed in the quality.
It's New Tan in color and I suspect it will end up on ebay instead of on the

I installed the lesser expensive Magic Carpet set in my 6 and have been very
pleased.  My only disappointment was in the thick underlayment kit I
purchased along with the kit.  It is tough to get a nice fit with that extra
thickness.  The entire problem may be in my lack of experience installing
such a kit.  All in all I have been very pleased with the TRF carpet set.

Jeff Slaton
CF12525U  with O sitting in the basement waiting an install..

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