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Re: LHD to RHD Conversion - Info Available?

To: 6pack list <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: LHD to RHD Conversion - Info Available?
From: Peter Macholdt <vze2846b@verizon.net>
Date: Thu, 23 Jan 2003 07:58:12 -0500
Hi Matthew,

Welcome to the list. I can't point you to a website, but I can recommend a
book. How to Restore Triumph TR5/250 & TR6 by Roger Williams has a bunch of
pages on LHD to RHD conversion.

'68 TR250

on 1/23/03 3:22 AM, Matthew Ford at mattf@captech.co.za wrote:

> New Member Greetings!
> I have been a TR6 fan for some years now, and am finally in a position to
> acquire one. However, in South Africa we drive on the LHS and with our
> weakened currency, all the good TR's, Jags, etc are going "home".
> I have located a 1970, Laurel Green on Black US spec TR6, but being LHD it
> will require a future conversion. there is a posistive spin off here, being
> it's cheap due to the LHD. This car drives very well, although not perfect,
> or concourse, but is complete, straight and relatively rust free.
> I searched the web, various Trimph sites, and now have joined this list.
> The mailing list archives do not return me a result on related searches for
> this info, but I'm probably not using the search engine correctly.
> So 2 questions:
> a) Is there a thread on this topic in the archive already? If so, please
> point me there.
> b) If anyone has been through this process and is prepared to drop me a doc
> with the parts, tools, and procedure to follow, or can point me to some
> useful web URL's I'd appreciate it. Otherwise here's what I expect to be
> needed, any comments on my thoughts?
> 1)New dashboard, and all related instrument connections, wiring, the
> routing of these etc,
> 2)Effect metalwork changes to the instrument panel surrounds/cubby hole to
> reverse the shapes, mounting points etc,
> 3)Cut firewall for RHS steering column, and close up existing,
> 4)Move brake and clutch master cylinders, attendant tubing, connections,
> etc for both systems,
> 5)Effect metalwork to RHS footwell for pedal mechanisms + close up existing
> firewall openings,
> 6)Re-route accelerator cables
> 7)Attend to steering rack changes - I'm not sure what's required here? Can
> the LHD rack be used in reverse ?
> 8) Re-route all wiring within and around the steering column,
> 9) Re-route wiring for the ignition key unit,
> 10) Attach new RHS wing mirror,
> 11)
> No doubt I've missed a few items.
> Is there a kit of parts available, or a shopping list, from any of the UK
> based import firms, who are importing and converting similar US spec'd cars
> to RHD?
> Lastly if anyone has any scar tissue from having done this, and is prepared
> to share the Do's and Don'ts with me?
> Any leads welcomed (by direct e-mail if preferred)
> Kind Regards,
> Matthew Ford
> CapTech Technologies (Pty) Limited
> Johannesburg - South Africa

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