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Re: Barrett Jackson and Car Prices

To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: Barrett Jackson and Car Prices
From: Jim Hurley <hurls@world.std.com>
Date: Sun, 19 Jan 2003 09:22:49 -0500
On Sat, 18 Jan "R. Ashford Little II" <ralittle2@mindspring.com> wrote:

> Jim, that may be true of the more exotic cars, but I watched a little 
> last night and saw some cars go for less than it probably cost to 
> restore them. 
> I remember seeing a Shelby GT350, in immaculate condition, go for 43k, 
> and a really cool older pickup go for 10k. In both cases, it would 
> appear that the cost of the restoration came close to or exceeded the 
> selling price.

One of Murphy's more obscure laws guarantees that anyone who restores a car
in a professional and correct manner is going to lose money. Sorry if I'm
bursting anyones bubble, but your TR6 project (or any other LBC) is NOT an


Jim Hurley                      "Life is too short for a backfire!"
'75 TR6
'83 F350 4 Door

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