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Re: TR6 Question -- Floor Replacement -- 6 Pack

To: davjohnston55@yahoo.com
Subject: Re: TR6 Question -- Floor Replacement -- 6 Pack
From: Jltr6@aol.com
Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2003 18:50:40 EST

I replaced the floor pans as part of a frame off restoration.  I discovered 
that the right rear spring outrigger had cracked along with damage to the 
right front differential mount.  In order to make these repairs I removed the 
body from the frame.  Some people suggested that the floors are best replaced 
while the body is still on the frame so that the frame can be used as a jig.  
I delivered my car to a restoration shop all prepared to lift the body off of 
the frame.  The shop removed the body from the frame, flipped it upside down, 
made reference measurements, and proceeded to remove and replace each floor 
pan.  The spot welds were drilled out and the pans then removed.  The 
replacement pans from TRF were fitted and plug welded in the drilled out 
holes.  I subsequently made the necessary frame & diff mount repairs.

Hope this helps.

Jim Lynch 

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