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RE: Driving comfort

To: Mark Bullard <mbullard@hawaii.rr.com>
Subject: RE: Driving comfort
From: Keith Meinhold <keith@navyboy.com>
Date: Sun, 08 Dec 2002 00:00:42 -0800
Sounds like a new radiator and aux cooling fan candidate to me!

Have fun Mark.

Keith Meinhold
66 Marston Avenue
San Francisco CA 94112

4 1 5   5 8 5   5 9 9 8  H
4 1 5   2 5 4   9 9 0 8  C

email: keith@navyboy.com

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-6pack@autox.team.net [mailto:owner-6pack@autox.team.net]On
Behalf Of Mark Bullard
Sent: Saturday, December 07, 2002 9:17 PM
Cc: 6-Pack
Subject: Re: Driving comfort

How fortunate I am... I only need to get through the cold drive from Indy in
my new TR6 and I will have that 80+ degrees F. every day... :) Top down
daily. Ha ha ha...

Can't wait gang...

Kailua, HI

----- Original Message -----
From: "R. Ashford Little II" <ralittle2@mindspring.com>
To: "'Sally or Dick Taylor'" <tr6taylor@webtv.net>; "'Paula J. Graffam'"
Cc: "6-Pack" <6pack@autox.team.net>
Sent: Saturday, December 07, 2002 11:12 AM
Subject: RE: Driving comfort

> I hope everyone realizes the "hit" and not intended rudely.  Although, I
> do tend to get a bit grumpy at times; a major contributor to this is
> what I see on a regular basis in Atlanta.
> I'm not sure what the perfect temperature for dropping the top is, but
> here in Atlanta in must be something like 78.3 to 81.7 degrees F.  Or
> maybe it's 81.7 to 83.1 degrees, but it infuriates me to see these
> Miata's, Mercedes, Porsches, and every other car driving along on a
> BEAUTIFUL day with the top up.
> I understand that most will drop off when the temp drops, but most
> modern convertibles are shaped such that wind buffeting is minimal and
> the heaters work fantastically.
> So, to cure me of an admitted bit of the grumps right now, I'm venturing
> forth tonight to the XMAS party for our local Triumph club.  The temps
> will be in the mid-40's and beautiful.
> But I guess I better go put the passenger seat back in so my wife can
> accompany me.
> Cheers,
> R. Ashford Little II
> www.geocities.com/ralittle2
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sally or Dick Taylor [mailto:tr6taylor@webtv.net]
> Sent: Saturday, December 07, 2002 2:54 PM
> To: R. Ashford Little II
> Subject: RE: Driving comfort
> ...and poor Al takes yet another hit. Whap!
> ; ^P,
> DT

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