Oh yea, you gotta be willing to bend it a bit in the process.
First try to screw a big sheet metal screw into the center hole. Sometimes
it pushes the cap out before the hole strips.
When that fails, take a screwdriver and a hammer. Using the screwdriver, tap
around the cap where it mates to the rotor. Keep going round and round.
Eventually, the cap will move away from the rotor.
You will probably bend the cap up a bit, but replacements are cheap.
I made my life easier by brazing a nut on the inside of the caps. Now I can
just thread in a bolt which presses out the cap. Works like a charm.
'68 TR250
on 10/3/02 11:56 AM, Dwayne Cooper at dcooper@paciolan.com wrote:
> I'm trying to replace a cross-threaded wheel stud on one of my front wheels.
> Like everything else, the Bentley manual makes it sound sooooooooo easy:
> remove wheel, punch out old stud, put in new stud, draw in new stud with lug
> nut... Well, of course its not that easy -- you can punch out the old stud,
> but there's not enough clearance to completely remove it. So, it looks like I
> need to remove the hub. Again Bentley gives the simple instructions: remove
> the grease cap, pull out the split pin, and remove the castelated nut....
> Well, the grease cap is on there pretty good, with no obvious way to remove
> it. I could probably pop it off with a screwdriver, but I'm afraid I'll bend
> or damage it. Can someone point the way on this one?
> Thanks!
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Dwayne Cooper
> '74