I'm trying to replace a cross-threaded wheel stud on one of my front wheels.
Like everything else, the Bentley manual makes it sound sooooooooo easy:
remove wheel, punch out old stud, put in new stud, draw in new stud with lug
nut... Well, of course its not that easy -- you can punch out the old stud,
but there's not enough clearance to completely remove it. So, it looks like I
need to remove the hub. Again Bentley gives the simple instructions: remove
the grease cap, pull out the split pin, and remove the castelated nut....
Well, the grease cap is on there pretty good, with no obvious way to remove
it. I could probably pop it off with a screwdriver, but I'm afraid I'll bend
or damage it. Can someone point the way on this one?
Dwayne Cooper