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Re: TR6 Bonnet (Hood) catch

To: tr6@mac.com
Subject: Re: TR6 Bonnet (Hood) catch
From: jay_welch@juno.com
Date: Sun, 23 Jun 2002 20:47:59 -0400
Hello William,

Could your bonnet latch pull cable be adjusted too short?  This might not
allow the latch to fully engage when the cable is released.

Good luck,
Jay Welch  Abington, MA
1971 TR6 Project, 1973 TR6 Driver
1989 Mustang GT donor car aching to be a FFR Roadster
Member Cape Cod British Car Club @ 

On Sun, 23 Jun 2002 19:06:34 +0100 Will <tr6@mac.com> writes:
> Hi All,
> Hope someone on the list has an answer to this as it's driving me 
> nuts!
> The bonnet began popping open whenever I hit a bump in the road, 
> (i.e. all the time - I'm in London). I've been trying to 
> troubleshoot 
> this for ages, (the manual gives the helpful advice 'adjust as 
> necessary'). I came up with the idea that if the plunger is shorter 
> the bonnet would move less, and not get up the momentum to pop the 
> catch. I adjusted by a turn each time & eventually seemed to have 
> solved the problem. All was fine for many hundreds of bumps
> Suddenly, after hitting a bump, the bonnet pops open - I screw in 
> the 
> plunger another turn. Next bump, up it comes again, and again. I can 
> see no sign of anything being bent or needing tightening, and 
> stupidly screw the plunger in by about 6 turns. Bonnet shuts nice 
> and 
> tight....can't open it! I set off to find someone to lean on the 
> bonnet while I pull the release, hit a bump and the bonnet pops 
> open. 
> Obviously I have this whole thing wrong.
> Thinking about it, the spring must pull the bottom of the plunger up 
> to the edge of the catch regardless of any adjustment, so now I 
> wonder just what adjustment to make to keep the thing shut.
> Anyone have any ideas - apart from avoiding the bumps!
> -- 
> William Davies
> 1975 TR6 PI
> CR6157-O

Jay Welch  Abington, MA
1971 TR6 Project, 1973 TR6 Driver
1989 Mustang GT donor car aching to be a FFR Roadster
Member Cape Cod British Car Club @ 

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