that specific tech tip is mentioned in the 10/1/01 Moss catalog for TR6s
(don't know if it's in the most recent catalog), so you're not making it up.
The tip recommends either spinning the pump (off the engine) by holding it
up next to a wire brush on a bench grinder, for example, or installing the
pump, starting the engine without coolant, and letting it run for 30 seconds
of so.
I personally would oppose Plan B, because I'm the kind of person who would
then get distracted by something and forget to add coolant at all.
-----Original Message-----
From: Bernie []
Sent: Saturday, June 15, 2002 10:43 PM
Subject: water pump
Once again I need to come to the list for advise concerning the installation
of a water pump, this is the scenario, a friend of mine owns a 1980
the water pump needs replacing , pretty straight forward so far, well here
the cliff hanger, I told my friend that after installation of the new water
pump to let the pump run dry for about a minute, to let it seat.
Today we had a tech session at my buddy's house and I happen to mention the
issue about letting the pump run dry in order to let it seat, well the
majority of the guy's there looked at me like I came from mars, the rest of
the troops just politely told me that there was no reason to do that,
however, I do recall reading numerous postings on this list about letting
water pump run dry to seat it, please folks confirm my sanity level and tell
me I'm right, I do so hate to be wrong all the time, I'm starting to develop