I read some emails a while ago about clutch problems and now I
have them too. I guess it is a different strain of the same virus you
get from parking next to a car that has a problem.
I have a one year old rebuilt type 'A' overdrive transmission with
the Toyota Landcruiser throw out bearing, and the non-Laycock
clutch plate. I also had to rebuild the clutch master and slave
cylinders. Recently, my clutch starting sticking. When I first start
the car, all is okay. After I have been driving for say 10 minutes,
1st gear starts to stick. A lift my foot off the clutch and it does not
release and then bam, into gear. It is like a speed start. It is then
very noticeable. I am coasting at speed in neutral, and when I push
the pedal in and out, I feel grabbing.
So is this due to lack of an anti-rotation pin in the throw out bearing,
the forks wearing, an issue with the slave or master cylinder? As
we all agree, I do not want to take out the transmission if possible,
but I have a feely...no such luck. :-(
Your feedback on an order of what to look for is greatly
Alan Lindner
'72 TR6 French Blue
San Diego, CA