Passing this info along for what its worth...
Jon Fry
-----Original Message-----
From: whupadaggumlincoln []
Sent: Monday, June 03, 2002 1:45 AM
Subject: [Britishcars] Warning: Crooked Mechanic
I got burned bad! Don't let it happen to you. My name is Combs, and I
reside n Hendersonville North Carolina. I want to warn you about a
fellow named Bennet French, owner of the "British Connection" garage
in Dana NC. I paid his father $5000 to build me a hot B series and
gearbox. The old man did great work and I paid him the same dayhe
submitted his bill. Unfortunately he died soon thereafter. His heir,
young Bennet, STOLE my engine and gear box and carbs, etc, and sold
them! He was fully aware of my paid in full status, even admitted to
it in private negitiation.
This nasty coward has made no effort to settle this account. He is a
thief and liar of the lowest description. His business practices are
unethical and fraudulent. What's more he is a coward and endures it
when I tell the truth about him. I have informed him that I will
continue to tell the British car world about him until he either
setles his account or else beats me up, but he aparantly does not
care. So be warned: Bennet French is a lying dirty disgusting cowardly
thief. Protect your car!
I reccomend Mr Jim Meyers in Biltmore NC. I have found him to be an
honest man. Good luck.
I am
Jason Brittain Combs
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