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Re: TR6 Fuel Pump

To: tgeiger@aitinc.com (Terry Geiger)
Subject: Re: TR6 Fuel Pump
From: tr6taylor@webtv.net (Sally or Dick Taylor)
Date: Sun, 12 May 2002 23:35:42 -0700 (PDT)
Terry---The replacement pump is quite a bit less expensive, but is
adequate. The only failure that I know of on these replacement pumps is
the pivot shaft likes to work their way out of the housing, in time. It
will then be necessary to tighten up the shaft, thru peening of the
shaft at the ends. Center punching the housing here will also keep
things where they belong. 

To be sure it's the pump that's "knocking", pinch off the fuel line,
remove the pump  and run the engine. (Be prepared for the oil that will
try to escape) As you know, metallic noises can travel. This test will
insure that you are in the right place. You'll have maybe 30 seconds
worth of fuel for this.

Dick T.

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