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Re: 1st/2nd gear synchros?

To: Rob Pennington <robp@ncsa.uiuc.edu>
Subject: Re: 1st/2nd gear synchros?
From: "Robert M. Lang" <lang@isis.mit.edu>
Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2002 09:47:57 -0500 (EST)
On Sun, 24 Feb 2002, Rob Pennington wrote:

> While I was under the car after the trip checking the clutch slave, I 
> checked the transmission oil and it was *low* by about a 1qt.  I'm using 
> 50w motor oil with the transmission/J-type OD.  I'm concerned that either 
> the synchros or one of the bushings or bearings are shot.  Anybody have any 
> advice?

Well, the low oil would effect the shits into O/D!

The other stuff you mention (crunching second on change-down) _could_ be
indicative of a broken top-hat bushing. Further, the symptom of crunching
first gear might also indicate some "siezure" of the first gear bush.

I'd drain what fluid you have left and look for goldish flakes or possibly
greyish flakes. If the doesn't pan out, I'd pull the top cover and look
for excessive gear movement with the second/third gears on the mainshaft.

One last thing that you did not mention was the clutch cross-shaft
bushings. I've seen those things get pretty sloppy such that the clutch
never disengages completely, so you should check for move movement on the
clutch cross-shaft.
> Thanks in advance!
> Rob
> 74 TR6 daily dribbler

Good luck!
Bob Lang              Room N42-140Q            |  This space for rent
Consultant            MIT unix-vms-help        |
Voice:617-253-7438    FAX: 617-258-9535        |

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