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RE: Hogged frame

To: "'Cliff Davies'" <cdavies@holzher.com>,
Subject: RE: Hogged frame
From: Mark Hooper <mhooper@pixelsystems.com>
Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2002 12:12:02 -0500
Hi Cliff:

I looked up hogging and got:

Hog"ging (?), n. (Naut.) Drooping at the ends; arching;-in distinction from

I thought the problem with TRs was they sagged when standing and then
"hogged" (??) when jacked up in the middle.

So when you say that your frame has been "hogged" do you mean it is welded
to be higher in the middle than the ends when unloaded with the idea that it
goes straight when in the ground and built up?


-----Original Message-----
From: Cliff Davies [mailto:cdavies@holzher.com]
Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2002 10:15 PM
To: '6pack@autox.team.net'
Subject: Hogged frame

I am about to remove the final bits from my frame prior to measuring
and welding. I know without measuring that the rear of the frame slopes down
about an inch from what it should be. All due to what was a poor previous
welding job at the trailing arms. The upper T-shirt is coming off for
inspection of what lies below. The question is how do I get the rear where
it should be before welding. I know the process of cutting the frame on each
side (on 3 sides of the box)jacking the frame up and welding the gap, is
this my only solution if the frame is already hogged?
Thanks as usual,
73 TR6 

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