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HELP! - Tranny, J-type O/D - Question

To: "Triumph 6 Pack" <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: HELP! - Tranny, J-type O/D - Question
From: "Ken Davis" <ken.davis@attbi.com>
Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2002 15:15:56 -0800
hi list - my tranny has been leaking oil like a stuck pig for the last year, a
lot thru the front seal, just replaced today.  was cleaning it up, and noticed
its also been blowing oil out by the shifter rods.  I cleaned it and gave it a
once and twice over and cannot! find an air breather hole.  no escape for
rising pressure and temps would cause exactly what i am having...
so - question, does the tranny/J-type have a breather hole, and where is it to
be found.

2nd question, should i drill a little 1/16 inch hole in a discrete place to
let it vent?

would like to know today; it goes back in tomorrow



south san francisco
73 TR6

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