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6-packers: VIRUS!!!! Don't open "new photos.."

To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: 6-packers: VIRUS!!!! Don't open "new photos.."
From: "James Tabor" <jatabor@hotmail.com>
Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2002 11:59:44 -0500
hey everyone:

i got a message from someone: not sure who, but it said
"dont' open..new photos from my party" in the subject line, so i didn't. and 
deleted it.
i found out it is in fact a virus after all (from latest news alerts) and i 
thought i would let everyone know because newsgroups are great methods for 
disguising virus' and can potentially spread a virus throughout a large 
population of internet users.


76 TR6 MD

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  • 6-packers: VIRUS!!!! Don't open "new photos..", James Tabor <=