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Re: Tricks to extracting Trunion?

To: Keith Meinhold <keith@navyboy.com>
Subject: Re: Tricks to extracting Trunion?
From: Rob Pennington <robp@ncsa.uiuc.edu>
Date: Sun, 27 Jan 2002 18:17:14 -0600

Hate to tell you this but it sounds like one or both of the steel sleeves 
that are inside of the A-arms have rusted to the bolt.  The sleeve is too 
large to go through the hole in the trunnion.  You should try spraying PB 
Blaster or something similar in the area and whack it a couple of time, 
turn the bolt, etc. and hope that it eventually loosens  If not you are 
going to have to cut the bolt between the trunnion and the arm.

If the assembly is off of the car, stand it on end with the bolt head down 
and the arm supported around the bolt head with a socket or something and 
try to goose it out by whacking on the other end of the bolt a few 
time.  Don't mushroom the bolt end and put the castellated nut on to help 
prevent this.

I would expect that you are going to have to replace the trunnion as a 
result of this and it is probably worn along the threads also.
Good luck!


At 04:58 PM 1/27/2002, Keith Meinhold wrote:
>Are there any tricks to extracting the trunion?  I have removed the castled
>nut, but cannot extract the bolt.  I have removed the spring load, and I can
>get the bolt to turn (with the assistance of a 3 foot breaker bar), but it
>seems so tight in that it wont move out.  I even tried tapping on the nut
>end while turning to no avail.
>Keith Meinhold
>66 Marston Avenue
>San Francisco CA 94112
>415 585 5998 H
>415 336 5336 C
>415 836 7775 W

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