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RE: Troubleshooting TR6 horn

To: "'Triumph Mailing List \(E-mail\)'" <triumphs@autox.team.net>,
Subject: RE: Troubleshooting TR6 horn
From: "Hugh Fader" <hfader@usa.net>
Date: Sun, 13 Jan 2002 13:20:40 -0500
All fixed now. Took Paul's advice and found that the problem was with the
ground connection at the steering rack. Even after repairing the terminal it
still didn't work. I couldn't trace where the black and brown wire going
from the harness to the rack went. It doesn't appear in any schematics or
come out of the harness anywhere I could find it. My solution was to run a
wire from the plug on the steering rack to the mounting bolt on the bottom
of the alternator. Beeps real good now.

Thanks again everybody for the help.

- Hugh

> Try this-get a wire with alligator clips on both ends.  Open the hood
> and clip the wire above and below the top flex joint of the steering
> shaft.
> (In other words, make an electrical path past the ribber flex joint.)
> Try the horn. If you get a real good honk, it's the ground strap that
> threads it's way inside the rubber steering joint.

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