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Re: Herman's 5-Speed

To: "Riddle, Mark" <riddlem@ciitech.com>,
Subject: Re: Herman's 5-Speed
From: "Kai M. Radicke" <kmr@pil.net>
Date: Thu, 3 Jan 2002 23:59:22 -0500
> I am not sure I understood your comment totally, could you clarify
> for me please?
> Apparently the NZ conversion locates the shifter in the correct
> location. Does Hermans's Kit place the shifter in the right spot?

Let's establish one thing first, considering all the emails I've been
getting privately also.  I don't own one of Herman's kits, I just scanned
the flyer and put it on the web in an effort to get the knowledge of an
alternative out there.

I have talked to Herman, and he said that the shifter location is one inch
further forward than the TR6's stock position.  Meaning, that it is not in
any way visually noticeable, as the shifter boot takes up the slack.  The
only issue I thought of was the difficulty of inserting a CD if you have a
CD player installed... as the gap between the shifter and radio face is now
one inch narrower?

K?  :-)

I'm pretty sure Herman used to be on this list, how come you aren't speaking
up Herman?  ;-)


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