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Re: Clutch repair

To: P.H.Z@12move.nl
Subject: Re: Clutch repair
From: tr6taylor@webtv.net (Sally or Dick Taylor)
Date: Thu, 27 Dec 2001 12:47:17 -0800 (PST)
Peter---There's tons of good information in the Buckeye Triumph web
site. I don't recall if Nelson addressed your question of pin tightening
or not, but I don't believe ANY play should exist between the shaft and
fork when the pin is properly bottomed in its tapered bore. Clutch
disengagement can be compromised if the forward motion of the throw-out
bearing doesn't get the full movement from the three-holed arm side of
the shaft.

Given that these tapered pins are prone to snapping, it's worth the
effort to drill the fork and shaft for a second "bolt". I used the flat
boss cast into the fork as the location for the 1/4" Allen head cap
screw. Some prefer to use a roll pin, as these tend to stay snug in the

Since you started this project because of a sticky clutch, take care to
do all of the good things suggested to let the T/O sleeve slide freely.

Dick Taylor

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