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Re: Thoughts on Radiators - recore or Moss replacement?

To: conrade@qwest.net
Subject: Re: Thoughts on Radiators - recore or Moss replacement?
From: "Walter Fogle" <lbc4me@hotmail.com>
Date: Fri, 12 Oct 2001 20:38:17 +0000
HI Eric:

You could certainly try the new unit route but have you considered checking 
for a used unit at one of your local British car recyclers or wrecking yard? 
  Most radiator repair shops only charge about $30-50 to boil out a unit and 
paint it.  Maybe you can find a servicable, used one locally.

We have a couple of good parts yards here in the Seattle area, as well as a 
Tyee Triumph Club member who has been dismantling Triumphs for several years 
and recycling the good parts.

My 2 cents worth!

Best regards,
Walt Fogle
'69 TR6, CC30689L
Woodinville, WA

>I started up my TR6 this last weekend to find that the radiator has sprung 
>leak from the core.  Bummer.  I still have to remove the radiator (probably
>this weekend), and don't yet know whether the vertical tube could be
>soldered or not.
>I did look into the cost of replacing the core, and the estimates vary
>between $180 and $250.  The cost of a new radiator from Moss is $249 
>A friend has said he has heard that the Moss radiator was a poor 
>version of the radiator, and recommends re-coring the original.  I have a
>1976 TR6 with the later radiator (the one with the top tube bending toward
>the centerline of the car).
>Does anyone have other thoughts, experience, and advice?  Perhaps Peter
>Arakalian (sp?) might be able to shed some light on this.
>'76 TR6  (CF52678U +O)


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