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Re: magic clutch, anti-spin pin

To: jimmble@adelphia.net (James Franks)
Subject: Re: magic clutch, anti-spin pin
From: tr6taylor@webtv.net (Sally or Dick Taylor)
Date: Fri, 7 Sep 2001 11:02:02 -0700 (PDT)
Jim---I have ran with, and without the anti-spin pin over several clutch
and T/O replacements. Each one has its own advantage and disadvantage.

The last time I investigated the cause of the squeal, I found the
(Toyota) bearing to be in good shape, and put it right back into
service. (But changed to a different style clutch cover. So far, so
good.) The anti-spin pin WAS in place, so this source of friction/squeal
is eliminated. 

As Nelson passed on to you all, my T/O bearing does not make contact
with the clutch diaphragm fingers until such time as I want to disengage
the clutch. In spite of this, the squeal appeared upon partial
engagement, as during the beginning of gear changes. There is a
resistance in the newer, heavier bearing to 'catch up' with the spinning
clutch.  Many of us are looking for a solution here. I agree that the
Big Three should be more involved, but I'm afraid the helping hand we
are all looking for is at the end of our own collective arms.

The KOYO bearing itself is not the squealer because its ball bearings
are giving up. Rather, it appears that it needs a clutch cover design
that can pick up the bearing itself, before allowed to first slip and
squeal.  I'm waiting for Nelson to open up his bag of springs and
preload the bearing! 8^)

Dick Taylor

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