Dear listers,
While re-bushing the front end on my car, I noted the following, It seems
possible to mix up the position of the upper wishbone halves from front to
rear, and or from driver to passenger side. I suspect that this may have been
done by the previous owner, so I do not simply won't to re-install the
components as I found them. After studying several depictions of the upper
wishbone in the Bentley and parts catalog, I cannot tell where the wishbone
halves really belong, I know the front and rear items are not interchangeable,
as there are separate #s in the parts book. However, I can't tell which is
which. I also suspect that there is a difference between the driver and
passenger side, as I found an R and an L stamped in 2 of the four pieces.
Does anyone have experience with this problem? Thanks in advance.
Best Regards,
Joseph Garruba