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Re: Radiator Shroud & Intake

To: <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: Radiator Shroud & Intake
From: "The Brinkers" <thebrinkers@home.com>
Date: Sun, 19 Nov 2000 17:24:21 -0500
Dick and all,
I did see the pics on the Goodparts site and the air intake is the same one
I saw at the 6-PACK TRials.  I did not see the shroud there though.
Dick, you said that you thought that " air ducting back to the intake
manifold, does have a purpose but does little to lower engine temps".  Mark
Uhlig, fellow 6-PACK member has a TR6 that always ran hot to the point that
he would have to turn on his heat to help bring down the engine temp.  He
installed his ducting directly to the carb intake of an early air intake
with the round port.  Since then, his car does not have a heating problem.
He can leave his car idle for quite some time in the middle of a summer day
and the temp gauge does not even hit the 3/4 mark.  I think Mark saw this
idea in an article he read in a magazine and it did reference cars with temp
problems.  I will ask him about this.  Just a coincidence?

Mike Brinker

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