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Re: TR6 ZS to PI Conversion complete and running ...

To: "Tony Gordon" <tgordon@saginaw-city.k12.mi.us>, <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: TR6 ZS to PI Conversion complete and running ...
From: "The Brinkers" <thebrinkers@home.com>
Date: Fri, 1 Sep 2000 21:52:24 -0400
Congrats......  I received my August copy of Practical Classics (my favorite
British car magazine) last week.    On page 140 - 143, there is a very good
article entitled "Beginner's Guide To Fuel Injection".  It seems to be very
informative and may also be a help to those who either have an injection
system but have been affraid to tackle it, or those who are contemplating
installing one.
The article references a Lucas Petrol injection manual for the TR6.  What
reference guide did you use to help you through your project other than the

Mike Brinker

----- Original Message -----
From: Tony Gordon <tgordon@saginaw-city.k12.mi.us>
To: <6pack@autox.team.net>; <triumphs@autox.team.net>
Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2000 11:31 PM
Subject: TR6 ZS to PI Conversion complete and running ...

> After a 2 month installation period when everything that could go wrong
> usually did, I am delighted to be able to say that I have tasted the
> of my labours: the Lucas PI conversion is now complete, and running like a
> dream.  My 72 US-spec car is now wearing the full PI-system, with a Bosch
> pump feeding the fuel.
> The first thing you notice is the idle: although not wineglass-on-rocker
> cover, it is very smooth at 700rpm, and varies by only a 30-50rpm.  The
> speed pull is extraordinary: no bogging down in any gear ... it just
> more and does the job ... and the top end, it zooms way past 4500rpm where
> it used to slow.   The oddest thing is that the car smells different ...
> there is not tang of rich running at all ... and backing it into the
> garage, it smells like the mixture is, well, like it is right ... weird,
> Without the Triumph and 6Pack lists, I know that I would not have started
> (let alone finished) this quest, so I wanted to pass on a collective
> you" to all that have helped (or suffered through having to delete my
> interminable requests for help).
> If anyone else is contemplating such a conversion -- the extra power is
> noticable (about a second quicker to 60mph, and you can really chirp the
> tires in second), but the so is the pain.  Drop me a line for further info
> on how to avoid my mistakes.  I should add that my reply will represent
> collective wisdom of about 20 PI enthusiasts out there who have shared so
> much with me that I feel beholden to pass on this wonderful advice.
> Now to the next autocross ... pity that I can already feel the clutch
> beginning to say NOoooooo!
> Tony
> 72 TR6 (ex-CC79849, now CP)

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