I got around to taking the PDWA apart in my '6 today with O-rings in hand.
There is only one problem; they are the wrong size. The ones recommended
ID- .375, OD - .250, Width - .070
These are way too big. The markings on the PDWA are:
4324/641, and, 51K27.
Near as I can tell, the size I need is:
ID - .196, OD - .312, Width - .096
Also, my piston is very different from the one pictured in the VTR web page.
There are no circlips on it and it is a kind of torpedo shape on both ends.
When I pulled it apart the O-rings in it were kind of sticky (possibily from
the silicone?) but otherwise looked ok. There was no fluid where the switch
was located. I will go to the local seal supplier tomorrow and see if I can
find the right O-rings for my application.
Any comments?
Samuel R. Clark
Green Country Triumphs/Jaguar Enthusiast's Club of Oklahoma
VTR South Central Regional Coordinator
TS45355L O
CC82030U O