I`m interested (OK, almost obsessed) with installing a/c in my TR 250.
I`ve searched the archives, read the article in the summer `96 issue of
the club magazine, and the article on the Hill Country Triumphs Club
site. Does anyone know of other resorces of other info on this subject?
I also have catalogs from Old Air Products, Vintage Air, and Air-tique,
for aftermarket systems. Every part of a new (and improved?) system
seems "do-able" except for an evaporator/blower unit that doesn`t
intrude too much into the passenger foot well area. Has anyone solved
this problem, or come up with a workable compromise? Has anyone adapted
an original (dealer installed) system to 134a refrigerant? Answers/input
on any of my questions will be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Hal Morton
(in hot, humid, south Mississippi)