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Re: Dirrerential seals

To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: Dirrerential seals
From: rcotting@mgnet.ca
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2000 16:57:33 -0300

---------------------- Forwarded by Richard Cottingham/MGNotes on
04/12/2000 01:17 AM ---------------------------

Richard E. Cottingham
04/11/2000 04:55 PM

Sent by:  Richard Cottingham

To:   trsix74@earthlink.net
Subject:  Re: Dirrerential seals  (Document link not converted)

What's this heresy I read about British cars leaking lubricants?  Never
heard of that one before.

Richard C.
'74 TR6
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Lots of spots on MY garage floor.

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