The mounting brackets are interchangeable so if
yours is bent it is easy to replace with another.
What about the upright that the bracket mounts to has
it been damaged? The upright is welded to the frame.
On my 74 the strengthening kit was added from the
factory. It does add support and if you plan to do
any performance driving you should add them.
Mine also only had shims on one side, the drivers.
These did come from the factory to align the car.
After doing modification to the suspension you may
need a few to get back to stock settings. The big
three also have these in stock.
Hope this helps.
--- Chris Kincer <> wrote:
> Listers,
> I have been rebuilding the suspension on my TR6.
> Yesterday I was on the
> last wheel well and when I took off the lower A
> Arms, I noticed that my
> lower front inner wishbone bracket on the left is
> bent. The last time I
> drove the car was on a 1 hour long trip and the car
> seemed to track straight
> without any problems. I have had the car for about
> 11 years now and when I
> think about it, years ago I remember going around a
> curb and sliding off the
> road striking a culvert. Hard enough to bend my rim
> to where the air came
> out of the tire (17 years old at the time). At the
> time I didn't think
> anything about bending the frame. I just hoped out
> and swapped the wheel
> with my spare and decided to skip telling my father
> the details. Therefore
> I am assuming I did the damage. However there are
> two shims installed on
> this side without any on the drivers side. Could an
> alignment shop have put
> these in to get the car aligned? Or were they there
> before I hit the
> culvert and I need a new mounting bracket?
> The mounting brackets are listed in the big 3
> suppliers relatively cheap
> at around $19.00 and they make a strengthening kit
> to reinforce these. I
> was able to get everything back together without
> much problem so, should I
> wait and see if there is a problem when I take it to
> get it aligned hoping
> that shims will compensate and has anybody ever
> replaced this bracket or
> used the reinforcing plates? Your thoughts and
> opinions are much valued.
> Thanks,
> Chris Kincer
> 73 TR6