My british car mechanic has suggested that I replace my ZS carbs with SU
carbs ( apparently the carbs are larger and are used on the Healey's my
mechanic restores at his restoration shop, The Healey Werks ). He told me
that my car's pinging and run on problems could be alleviated by installing
the SUs that he likes and "dumping the entire ZS mess into the trash heap".
He simply detests them and believes the SU carbs will improve performance and
hp, as well as be more tunable ( the pinging and run on issues), and will be
more reliable. My car currently pings some of the time in third and fourth
gear on harder acceleration, especially when it is fully warmed up. I am
told that this is a "running lean" problem and can burn out a piston or
seriously damage it if not corrected soon. I have rotated my distributor
ever so slightly to try to stop the pinging many times, and this temporarily
stops it or minimizes the pinging, but then it returns in a day or two. I am
running points and electronic ignition. Any suggestions?
Bob Pierson 74 1/2 TR6