1) In one hundred words or less, describe the lineage of the following
Number on driver door jamb: CF39235
Number on engine block: CC76650 UE
Numbers (metal plates riveted onto firewall just east
of the bonnet latch, one in raw metal, the other in
Pimento paint as if painted with car at some point): T 33843 CF (gray
35895 CF (Pimento)
(I have not been intimate enough so far to have seen her tranny numbers)
2) Name the component and function of the small blue cylinder (approx. 1
inch diameter X 1 inch long attached to the coil bracket on the engine block
with a small wire lead connected to the neg. side of the coil.
Class discussion at the end of the period (I hope).
Hello to 6 packers and CTR members everywhere.
Rich Townsend
Manassas, VA