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Re: Manufacturing Parts

To: Btp44@aol.com,
Subject: Re: Manufacturing Parts
From: "ROBERT L. GANNON" <trsix74@earthlink.net>
Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2000 09:48:48 -0500
Hi there Berry. Thanks for the clarification on the Mfg. of parts. The product
that I received from Moss at the time was  a Lucas product.Part #SP2589 The 
that I recieved from England was manufactured by Girling. I kept the Lucas box 
store some bits in that Why I have the number. As it was cheaper to send he 
from the UK in an envelope I dont have the part #. Thanks again for the input.

Btp44@aol.com wrote:

> Robert:  Maybe I have been reading too much Moss propaganda, but I believe
> they are a manufactuer under license from BL  Heritage.  They have a product
> development dept. that researches the specs. for parts that are no longer
> available because the original manufactuer is out of business or not
> interested in producing the part  The actual production of the part maybe
> take place in any part of the world, but Moss is responsible for the quality
> of the part.  I would be curious to know what caliper parts you received that
> were unsatisfactory, as the caliper kits I received from Moss were made by
> Lucas.  Berry

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